Riots in Navi-Mumbai!
oh.. how much I had waited for something like this to happen near me... something huge that comes in the news and shows the power of Navi-Mumbai.. but not this way
Apparently on Holi two groups clashed in Ghansoli on some issue(ain't clear yet thanks to rumours) and their fight erupted into a real big one after Holi celebrations and the angry mob burnt tow tankers and a couple of cars also pelting stones on the police.
The police surrounded from all sides by an angry mob of around 5000 people(ain't exaggerating-its true) had to fire in the air and also at some people who got really close to them.
So now the Agri grp and the Mathadi grp both belonging to the NCP have fought so badly that they have destroyed property worth lakhs!
the situation is still not under control and has spread to many areas including Nerul, CBD Belapur and Panvel. Vashi being the hub of business and mainly Navi-Mumbai's main financial area is under attack too.
I had thought this would be fun but when i saw the stuff they did to a bus and police station in Nerul i just realised the potential threat in the hands of these politicians...
and as this was a big oppurtunity to overturn a popular government in Vashi and nearby areas the politicians jumped in encouraging the crowds.
Now the situation has gotten out of control and all the markets are closed down. the last oppurtunity and the most effective in this situation a curfew is due and I hope evrything gets back to normal by Monday!
U have no idea how terrifying it is... It ain't as someone suggested to me today..
It's not a game where u go out on the road and play Kabaddi with the mob... its serious..
guys this is why India is well..ummm err.. India!
pray for a truce really fast!
Apparently on Holi two groups clashed in Ghansoli on some issue(ain't clear yet thanks to rumours) and their fight erupted into a real big one after Holi celebrations and the angry mob burnt tow tankers and a couple of cars also pelting stones on the police.
The police surrounded from all sides by an angry mob of around 5000 people(ain't exaggerating-its true) had to fire in the air and also at some people who got really close to them.
So now the Agri grp and the Mathadi grp both belonging to the NCP have fought so badly that they have destroyed property worth lakhs!
the situation is still not under control and has spread to many areas including Nerul, CBD Belapur and Panvel. Vashi being the hub of business and mainly Navi-Mumbai's main financial area is under attack too.
I had thought this would be fun but when i saw the stuff they did to a bus and police station in Nerul i just realised the potential threat in the hands of these politicians...
and as this was a big oppurtunity to overturn a popular government in Vashi and nearby areas the politicians jumped in encouraging the crowds.
Now the situation has gotten out of control and all the markets are closed down. the last oppurtunity and the most effective in this situation a curfew is due and I hope evrything gets back to normal by Monday!
U have no idea how terrifying it is... It ain't as someone suggested to me today..
It's not a game where u go out on the road and play Kabaddi with the mob... its serious..
guys this is why India is well..ummm err.. India!
pray for a truce really fast!
At Saturday, March 18, 2006 ,
filterkaapi said...
dude like have sum creativity, bloody blog pe bhi same aur groups pe bhi same!
i ll return d favour n i ll write d followin-
sorry 2 say dis but these days there are no riots even in places like
kinoutu (it is a distant under-developed village in d under-developed
state of Nagaland).
does it mean sumthing( with regard to d so called might of Navi Mumbai)?
hey man u seriously dont need to throw light on Navi Mumbai especially
after ur impressive real estate agent hard-selling act in sem-1.
i'm actually waitin 4 a debate 2 xplode on dis!
At Saturday, March 18, 2006 ,
PerfumesReviewer said...
Yea man.. u've managed to actually spark a debate...
after much endorsing of navi-mumbai and single handedly managing to boost the real estate market I'd decided i'll take a break... but people have made me Vashi's brand ambassador..(and i'm happy about it with no relation to the brand ambassador of Hiranandani)
so abhi bolegaaa... aur tu sun saale....
VASHI rocks... so does navi-mumbai...
Just wanted to put some light on dirty politics and irresponsilbe top order maharashta govt officials...
apparently these illegal people think they are showing their power and the politicians are making issues outta this..
dude people r dying here man...
and just now curfew has been declared so there u go..
u call this endorsing BRAND NAVI-MUMBAI ???
go in for a reality check read my mail again
At Sunday, March 19, 2006 ,
Mihir said...
well, watever has happened was unfortunate and shouldnt have happened keeping in mind the Navi-Mumbai's ambitions on being a industrial and residential hub...
lavi, ur job(real estate agent) will surely be affected by this...
At Sunday, March 19, 2006 ,
Anorion said...
At Tuesday, March 21, 2006 ,
Nikxdave said...
what ever happed is good for lavanya as far as heis getting hies stuff in the mumbia mirrior
nice little exposure you got..
hope you planinng to work now a days
so have a bit of fun
all the best
At Wednesday, March 22, 2006 ,
PerfumesReviewer said...
yes, thanks Nik... planning to do some internship yaar.. hope I get it man... by the way guys Mihir and Rhutu got it.. lets hope we all get it somewhere too..
At Friday, March 24, 2006 ,
PriPat said...
u wanned sucha thing to happen near u ? I think ur a guy of adventure! and yes ur Mirror exposure too coool yaar keep it up!
At Friday, March 24, 2006 ,
PerfumesReviewer said...
yeah priyanka, i do love adventure but I mentioned I wanted it someway else... as in I didn't want anyone to get killed .. the unofficial figure was almost 10 people.. shocking to me..
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